7 Reasons Why you NEED a Virgo Best Friend!
It's the most wonderful time of the year! VIRGO SEASON!
YASSS! From August 23- September 22, we Virgos, are
showing up and SHOWING OUT!
If you are new to zodiac astrology I’ll do my best to break
it down.
(Insert classical music)
The zodiac is divided into 12 different signs.
Each sign cycles yearly through 12 different constellations
that are also divided equally into the 12 zones of the sun’s
path across the sky.
Phew, still with me?
Each of the 12 different signs has corresponding
personality traits, as well as colors, etc.
The 12 zodiac signs are FURTHER divided into elements
according to their characteristics: Earth, Air, Water, Fire.
(I’ll save that for a different blog post.)
Back to Virgo Season!!
We Virgos can be the best and the literal worst.
In the spirit of focusing on positivity, I’m here to give you
7 reasons why you NEED a Virgo best friend!
1. We are Great at Conversation
Whatchu wanna talk about? Us Virgos GOT YOU!
Fashion, current events, you name it! We love analyzing
everything, and can break down any subject for hours.
2. We are Brutally Honest
If you want an honest opinion ask a Virgo. Be warned you
asked, so keep your feelings in your purse!
You can pretty much trust us with your life.
If not your life, at least your secrets. We expect the same.
When that line is crossed watch out! We don’t forget, and
it will take time or a miracle to gain our trust back fully.
3. We are Overly Passionate About Things!
We are ride or die for what we believe in. You ALWAYS
know where a Virgo stands! We are seasoned debaters,
so don’t waste your breath trying to convince us.
The upside to this is if we are on the same side of the
argument, WE GOT YOUR BACK.
Which leads me to number 4.
4. We are Extremely Loyal
If we are friends, then we pretty much are until death.
Unless you do something to mess that up. HAHA!
All kidding aside, Virgos, will be the first ones to stick up
for you when someone is talking about you behind your
back. If that ain't loyalty, honey I don't know what is.
5. We Keep Things in Order.
We Virgos love cleanliness! We CANNOT thrive in chaos.
We loathe a mess. If you’re not as tidy, we’ll totes be
down for helping you organize your life. We get a rush
from putting things back in order.
6. We are AMAZING at Problem Solving
A Virgo's ruling planet is Mercury (The planet of
communication). Naturally, this makes us the Kings and
Queens of analytical thinking. If you have a problem, we
will stay up all night thinking of solutions.
Our overly analytical minds will offer you solutions as to
why x, y, and Z happened complete with a script of your
next move.
7. We are Reliable
Whether you need us to water your plants, pick up your
mail, walk the dog, Virgos got you! We are there in the
best and worst of times. You can always count on us.
I hope you enjoyed reading about the best sign in the
zodiac! (wink, wink)
What is your Zodiac Sign? Lemme know in the